Making Our History: Larsen Husby
Video feature created for the exhibition Making Our History, 07/29/2022
Minnesota Fringe Virtual Festival is coming; several museums are now open
Article published by MinnPost, 07/24/2020
Larsen Husby
Video feature created by MN Originals for TPT, 6/16/2019
My Mind Within My Body, Moving Through Space
Essay published on fLoromancy, 05/12/2019
Larsen Husby and the Altered Esthetics Film Festival
Podcast published by SOTA Podcast, 06/19/2018
Kultivera/Soap Factory Residency Exchange
Podcast published by the Soap Factory, 12/17/2017
Art and history... on the tiny side
Article published by MN Daily, 09/28/2017
You can get art, with no buyer’s remorse, at Minneapolis Art Lending Library
Article published by the Star Tribune, 07/21/2017